Are you a conscious healing practitioner whose deepest longing is to live and create from your authentic self?

When you witness all the chaos in our world does it remind you how important it is to be involved in a daily practice of transformation?

Do you yearn for a like-minded tribe with whom you can explore and deepen into these questions?

Imagine how liberating it could be to be part of a group of people who are practicing together finding a common language for the subtle and intense experiences of the inner world and learning how to uplift and transform consciousness and embody wholeness.


Let’s explore together being conscious, whole and creatively empowered in a fragmenting world.

Join us for one conversation or all three.

£22 per session or £55 for all 3.

Your registration fee includes a package of meditations and articles exploring the theme, sent to you after the session.

To register for one conversation click on the relevant icon above.

To register for all three click here:

Your registration fee includes a package of meditations and articles exploring the theme, sent to you before the session.

All conversations are open at 11am and 4pm GMT.

Community Conversation Circles provide a wonderful introduction to our Tribe in Transition Transformational Learning Community and a gateway to our longer courses.

  • Come together with a trusted group of like-hearted individuals who share your desire for growth in consciousness, authenticity, and meaningful contribution.

  • Feel the freedom of being deeply listened to, supported in expressing your true self and being encouraged in your creative endeavors.

  • Experience the thrill of speaking from your deepest wisdom within a safe, contained intentional space.

  • Cultivate an elevated field of consciousness where you can tap into your sources of inspiration, enhance your capacity for intuitive insight and creative thinking, uncover your next steps and take meaningful actions in your chosen direction.

  • As you gain confidence in expressing your individuality and exploring common themes, everyone in the community will benefit from your growth.

Together we can co-create a bigger energy field and a shared story as we become a wave of consciousness evolving.

Here are some of the ways participants have described the Community Conversation Circles:

“In Tribe in Transition, Rose has created a beautiful and nurturing space.”

“Rose’s enthusiastic, vibrational, uplifting energy offers a powerful loving structure which helped me build confidence and consistent connection with my Soul’s path.”

“Rose has extensive knowledge and skills to bring to anyone transitioning through challenging times who is ready to make shifts in consciousness.”

“Wherever you are on the journey to wholeness, Rose provides fantastic support for self care, personal development and inquiry.”

“This work is so needed and coming from such a pure place of integrity.”

This simple act of conversation is perfect for exploring the art and science of collective intelligence and making the crucial shift from “me” to “we”. It can enable a movement from old paradigm styles of communication, which favour self-interest, competitiveness, dominance and duality, to the revolutionary realisation that we are each a cell in a living organism which is unfolding naturally into its next level of consciousness and evolution. When we realise experientially that we are part of one mind, one heart, one consciousness, one interdependent humanity and biosphere and that creative intelligence is available in every moment to emerge and act through us, we are transformed, and this transformation ripples through the individual, the group and, potentially, the culture at large.”